Monday, October 31, 2011

Fishes in the Ocean, Stumbled Upon

Interesting collection today, an unfortunate, slightly depressing, and stupid but funny one. Oh yeah, these are from a series of comics by called Cyanide & Happiness if you haven't already seen under the pictures. Also, finally a legitimate video of Michele Bachmann's "Genius" And after 20 minutes I still can't think of anything so hows 'bout s'more pictures

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oh no!

Always listen to the problem before you freak out...By the way the answer is 3 liters. I'm a GENIUS!

Fun = GONE

Why is it that their are no instrument-playing games or whatever that can actually teach you how to play a guitar or drums or whatever. Is it because people don't want to be horrible the first several weeks of play? Perhaps. Also in case you didn't know Christopher Columbus was a total turd face. Now random video game facts, did you know Super Mario Bros was almost a shooter?

Surprising isn't it?
Did you know Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was originally going to be a First Person Game?

Mario Bros 2 wasn't actually supposed to be a Mario game. And finally, Batman Arkham Asylum was going to be a Rhythm Game. Pretty awesome.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blogpost numero 105

So my brother is gone and I'm happy, though he's coming back on Friday :( and in Friday my best friend us going torture me with debate work. I'm "really" excited. Oh yeah, I'm doing debate... and so that's a thing. I'm also writing this on the computer I built over the summer which is pretty awesome on my new desk sitting in my new chair. So the Sounders won the US Open Cup and some crazy person got me soaked in some alcoholic thing which was pretty "awesome" so that's a thing. I've not posted anything for a while on my blog but now I am so yay! And... that's about it.

Friday, June 10, 2011


So not much else was shown that I REALLY care about in E3, and nothing has really been happening so here is a (fake) letter I wrote to my Principal (My mom):

Dear Principal (Mom),
            I have a problem with how much “schoolwork” there is in my current academic routine. I believe this can easily be fixed by starting Summer early and forgetting all the crap we have to do this year J. When next year comes around perhaps you could limit it to 5 math problems a week? These are just ideas that I personally agree with so you can change them, (SLIGHTLY!) And finally, thanks for reading my letter. :D

Pretty Awesome Right?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 and the Like

So I will first spam links below:
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim AMAZING GAMEPLAY!!!
Assassin's Creed Revelations Trailer
Assassin's Creed Revelations Gameplay
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition
Now to talk, so quite a few big games were showcased. As well as some crappy ones :(, but anyways, these are in my opinion the biggest ones, there are several other games shown but these look the most promising. First off, is Skyrim... which is amazing in every way. Like, seriously, you can FIGHT ENORMOUS DRAGONS at level 1. Excuse me, you can be UTTERLY DESTROYED BY ENORMOUS DRAGONS at level 1. And all of the new features and graphics and EVERYTHING looks amazing. Assassin's Creed Revelations looks awesome as well, with several new features shown to accompany the growing game info database in my brain. And finally, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition is basically a remake with better graphics and animation quality, where you can also switch back to the ORIGINAL Halo 1 graphics on the fly. More info will be in when I find it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby Lion Cubs, Awesome Kittens, and an Amazing Puppers Enjoy

Now onto the rest of my post, so, here is an example of what my cat, Dr. Jones does:

Pretty awesome right? (not really) Here is a picture of my puppers I just took, literally, I'm taking the picture right now, I just need something to take the picture with:

Hooray for low quality webcam image :D, As you can see he has been having a VERY rough day after those 4 hours he's been out n' about. Now what to write about, I think I should write about something, interesting. So I'm sick at the moment and feeling pretty crappy, that's interesting right? Not really, it sucks. Luckily you can't get sick through teh interwebz. Or can you? *Dramatic look* dun-dun-DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. I can't stay on subject... poor me. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! That was the alphabet, jsyk.Oh you already knew it? Yeah because I just told you. Gbeye