Friday, June 10, 2011


So not much else was shown that I REALLY care about in E3, and nothing has really been happening so here is a (fake) letter I wrote to my Principal (My mom):

Dear Principal (Mom),
            I have a problem with how much “schoolwork” there is in my current academic routine. I believe this can easily be fixed by starting Summer early and forgetting all the crap we have to do this year J. When next year comes around perhaps you could limit it to 5 math problems a week? These are just ideas that I personally agree with so you can change them, (SLIGHTLY!) And finally, thanks for reading my letter. :D

Pretty Awesome Right?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! You went to E3? Did you see 'Serious Sam 3: BFE' there? Btw, nice letter X3
